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gf() superceeded by latetest()

George Jones 1 год назад
1 измененных файлов с 0 добавлено и 61 удалено
  1. 0 61

+ 0 - 61

@@ -3,67 +3,6 @@
 source $HOME/lib/bash/bashutils.sh  # error,warning,...
-function gf() ( # function in subshell, own namespece.
-    regex="${1:-NONE}"
-    arg1="${regex}"
-    files="${2:-'*.org'}"
-    days="${3:-7}"
-    function usage ()  {
-        message=${1:-""}
-        cat <<EOF 1>&2
-Usage: $0 [options] regex [files [days]]
-gf (grep find) performs grep on the results find for a given number of days
--h| --help           print help text
-regex                regex to serach for
-files                files to serach
-days                 how many days back (mtime) to search
-  gf findMeAnywhere
-  gf findMeInTextFiles '*.txt'
-  gf findMeInTextFiles .txt
-  gf BEGIN\|END .org 7
-# TODO re-write this with ligitimate getopt parsing so things like this work
-# find . -mtime -360 -type f -name \*.org -exec grep -H "that were blocked" \{\} \;
-        if [[ "${message}" != "" ]]; then
-           echo 2>&1
-           error "${message}"
-        fi
-    }
-    set -o noglob
-    case $arg1 in
-        NONE)		usage "Missing regex" && return 1;;
-        -h|--help)	usage && return 1;;
-    esac
-    # Second arg is files for find.  No globbing, so "*.txt" OK
-    if [[ "$files" =~ ^\. ]]; then
-        # Special case: treat ".foo" as "*.foo"
-        # Avoids needing to quote on command line
-        files_flag="-name *$files"
-    else
-        files_flag="-name ${files}"
-    fi
-    cmd="find . -type f -mtime -${days} $files_flag -exec egrep --color=always -H -i ${regex} {} ;"
-    debug "command: ${cmd}"
-    (exec $cmd)
 function csvls()
     # ls as csv