Jelajahi Sumber

Published Wed Apr 3 10:13:32 AM EDT 2024: tni

George Jones 1 bulan lalu

+ 55 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+title = "The TNI is dead, long live the TNI"
+author = ["George M Jones"]
+publishDate = 2024-04-02T00:00:00-04:00
+lastmod = 2024-04-02T17:56:49-04:00
+tags = ["geek", "100DaysToOffload"]
+categories = ["blog"]
+draft = false
+Today was the day I removed the TNI (Telephone Network Interface) from
+my house.   The last vestiges of our land line. The last output of a
+once vast network.
+{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/tni2.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 1: </span>\"This Phone Is Property of Ohio Bell\" by George Jones is licensed under CC BY 2.0" width="200px" >}}
+There used to be vast infrastructure (the Telephone Network) that got
+phone calls from place to place. I remember sometime around 1969 (cub
+scouts?  Elementary school?) touring the local AT&amp;T building that
+housed rows and rows of mechanical switches that routed phone calls in
+our neighborhood.  For those with an eye for it, those buildings are
+still everywhere to be seen.   Square.  Few windows.  Brick.   In
+virtually every neighborhood.
+There was the Microwave relay tower near my grandfathers farm. Part
+of a nationwide network that supported the "Long lines", where AT&amp;T
+made it's money until Judge Green broke it up, costing the world Bell
+Labs (creator of the Transistor and Unix) in the process.
+I recently stayed at a friends house, vintage 1920s. It has a little
+alcove in the wall just off the kitchen that was undoubtedly for "the
+phone". Growing up we had "the kitchen phone", and one on my dad's
+desk. When it rang sometimes you had to dash to the other room to answer.
+Phones like the one pictured above could be thrown down the basement
+stairs onto a concrete floor and survive. Not that I would know. Bell
+ENGINEERED their hardware.
+I'm glad we have moved beyond that technology, but it made the world
+move for over a hundred years.
+{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/tni.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 2: </span>\"The TNI about to be removed\" by George Jones is licensed under CC BY 2.0" width="200px" >}}
+Read "[Exploding the Phone](" for an insightful and amusing history of
+the phone system, phone phreaks, the rise of hacker culture, and how
+Steve Jobs and Woz got their start selling blue boxes in the Berkeley
+dorms so students could "steal" long distance calls (my father's
+roommate got around the high cost of long distance in the 50's by using
+ham radio to "phone home").   The world has changed.
+{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/explode.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 3: </span>\"[Exploding the Phone](\"\" by Phil Lapsley" width="200px" >}}
+\#59 of #100DaysToOffload take 3.1, <>

+ 62 - 1

@@ -16,9 +16,70 @@
-:EXPORT_HUGO_PUBLISHDATE: <2023-10-09 MON 06:40:09>
+:EXPORT_HUGO_PUBLISHDATE: <2024-04-02 TUE 17:27:49>
 *** Geek Stuff                                                         :geek:
+**** WIP The TNI is dead, long live the TNI                :100DaysToOffload:
+  :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: 2024-04-02
+  :END:
+Today was the day I removed the TNI (Telephone Network Interface) from
+my house.   The last vestiges of our land line. The last output of a
+once vast network.
+    #+caption: "This Phone Is Property of Ohio Bell" by George Jones is licensed under CC BY 2.0
+    #+attr_html: :width 200px
+    file:images/tni2.jpg
+#+hugo: more
+There used to be vast infrastructure (the Telephone Network) that got
+phone calls from place to place. I remember sometime around 1969 (cub
+scouts?  Elementary school?) touring the local AT&T building that
+housed rows and rows of mechanical switches that routed phone calls in
+our neighborhood.  For those with an eye for it, those buildings are
+still everywhere to be seen.   Square.  Few windows.  Brick.   In
+virtually every neighborhood.
+There was the Microwave relay tower near my grandfathers farm. Part
+of a nationwide network that supported the "Long lines", where AT&T
+made it's money until Judge Green broke it up, costing the world Bell
+Labs (creator of the Transistor and Unix) in the process.
+I recently stayed at a friends house, vintage 1920s. It has a little
+alcove in the wall just off the kitchen that was undoubtedly for "the
+phone". Growing up we had "the kitchen phone", and one on my dad's
+desk. When it rang sometimes you had to dash to the other room to answer.
+Phones like the one pictured above could be thrown down the basement
+stairs onto a concrete floor and survive. Not that I would know. Bell
+ENGINEERED their hardware.
+I'm glad we have moved beyond that technology, but it made the world
+move for over a hundred years.
+    #+caption: "The TNI about to be removed" by George Jones is licensed under CC BY 2.0
+    #+attr_html: :width 200px
+    file:images/tni.jpg
+Read "[[][Exploding the Phone]]" for an insightful and amusing history of
+the phone system, phone phreaks, the rise of hacker culture, and how
+Steve Jobs and Woz got their start selling blue boxes in the Berkeley
+dorms so students could "steal" long distance calls (my father's
+roommate got around the high cost of long distance in the 50's by using
+ham radio to "phone home").   The world has changed.
+    #+caption: "[[][Exploding the Phone]]"" by Phil Lapsley
+    #+attr_html: :width 200px
+    file:images/explode.jpg
+#59 of #100DaysToOffload take 3.1,
 **** WIP The unnumbered habits of a questionably effective person :orgmode:emacs:100DaysToOffload:life:
      :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: 2022-12-25


