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Published Sun Jan 8 07:49:11 AM EST 2023: Generation P

George Jones před 1 rokem

+ 53 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+title = "Generation P"
+author = ["George M Jones"]
+publishDate = 2023-01-08T00:00:00-05:00
+lastmod = 2023-01-08T07:48:01-05:00
+tags = ["life", "100DaysToOffload"]
+categories = ["blog"]
+draft = true
+I think I'm a member of "Gen-P", the "[Peter Pan](" generation who grew
+up in the shadow of the 1953 Disney production that touted the idea
+that we never have to grow up.
+{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/boat.jpeg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 1: </span>[\"Boat off Jeckyll Island\" by George Jones is licensed under CC BY 2.0](" width="400px" >}}
+A friend who's a few years older than me recently related trials she
+is having caring for elderly parents.  Nine years ago, my father moved
+to be near us.  For the last 5 years of his life I spent time
+providing help to a very independent-minded person who rarely admitted
+he needed my help.  This included an incident where I had to take the
+car keys from someone for whom driving was a right of passage into
+adulthood.  It was not pretty.
+Somewhere in the late fifties or early sixties (when I as born), I
+think the old notions of independence that were common in the 30s,
+WWII, and my parents generation and earlier went out the window.  They
+lived in a much harsher world, and understood that fact.  Farming.
+The depression.  WWII.  The bomb. There was nowhere near the economic prosperity
+that came in the decades after.  There was nowhere near as much social
+safety net as there is today. Shades of Archie Bunker's "[Those Were
+The Days](" are now drifting through my head" ... it's time to stop
+this line of thought.
+Then came Peter Pan.  "[A Generation Lost In Space](".  I look in the
+mirror and sometimes wonder who that old man is. When addressed as
+"Mr. Jones", I wonder who they'r talking to? To hear my
+daughter-in-law call me "Dad", seems very strange.
+But life moves on.   The lost boys and Wendy do, in fact grow up.
+Back to my friend who's caring for her parents.  Enjoy the seasons of
+life.  If you're in a position to help someone (kids, older parents),
+be glad about it. Life can be rough.  Pre-"Boomers" seem to have
+gotten that more than me.  Almost in spite of my self, I've learned
+that some of the deepest meaning in life comes in stepping up to deal
+with adversity.
+Have fun in never-never land.  I don't think I'm coming.
+\#42 of #100DaysToOffload take 2.1, <>

+ 57 - 1

@@ -4888,7 +4888,63 @@ beliefs.  I may be tearing down my own beliefs. γνῶθι σεαυτόν!
 # Post 21 of #100DaysToOffload
-*** PUBLISHED Life                                                :life:geek:
+*** PUBLISHED Life                                                     :life:
+**** TODO Generation P                                     :100DaysToOffload:
+  :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: 2023-01-08
+  :END:
+I think I'm a member of "Gen-P", the "[[][Peter Pan]]" generation who grew
+up in the shadow of the 1953 Disney production that touted the idea
+that we never have to grow up.
+#+caption: [[https://FOO.COM/BAR/BAZ.JPG]["Boat off Jeckyll Island" by George Jones is licensed under CC BY 2.0]]
+#+attr_html: :width 400px
+#+hugo: more
+A friend who's a few years older than me recently related trials she
+is having caring for elderly parents.  Nine years ago, my father moved
+to be near us.  For the last 5 years of his life I spent time
+providing help to a very independent-minded person who rarely admitted
+he needed my help.  This included an incident where I had to take the
+car keys from someone for whom driving was a right of passage into
+adulthood.  It was not pretty.
+Somewhere in the late fifties or early sixties (when I as born), I
+think the old notions of independence that were common in the 30s,
+WWII, and my parents generation and earlier went out the window.  They
+lived in a much harsher world, and understood that fact.  Farming.
+The depression.  WWII.  The bomb. There was nowhere near the economic prosperity
+that came in the decades after.  There was nowhere near as much social
+safety net as there is today. Shades of Archie Bunker's "[[][Those Were
+The Days]]" are now drifting through my head" ... it's time to stop
+this line of thought.
+Then came Peter Pan.  "[[][A Generation Lost In Space]]".  I look in the
+mirror and sometimes wonder who that old man is. When addressed as
+"Mr. Jones", I wonder who they'r talking to? To hear my
+daughter-in-law call me "Dad", seems very strange.
+But life moves on.   The lost boys and Wendy do, in fact grow up.
+Back to my friend who's caring for her parents.  Enjoy the seasons of
+life.  If you're in a position to help someone (kids, older parents),
+be glad about it. Life can be rough.  Pre-"Boomers" seem to have
+gotten that more than me.  Almost in spite of my self, I've learned
+that some of the deepest meaning in life comes in stepping up to deal
+with adversity.
+Have fun in never-never land.  I don't think I'm coming.
+# I've never liked the terms "Generation-FOO".  It seems like the only
+# use of the terms is to generate class envy, and I'm neither a fan of
+# class or envy.
+#42 of #100DaysToOffload take 2.1,
 **** WIP Why do we hack?                             :100DaysToOffload:emacs:
 :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: 2022-12-04
