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George Jones 2 vuotta sitten

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+ 72 - 0

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+title = "#100DaysToOffload stalled, but that's OK"
+author = ["George Jones"]
+publishDate = 2020-06-09
+lastmod = 2022-02-20T04:58:53-05:00
+tags = ["writing", "blogging", "100DaysToOffload"]
+categories = ["blog"]
+draft = false
+So my attempt at "just blogging something" for 100 straight days as
+part of #100DaysToOffload <> has
+stalled, but that's OK.
+I have a home painting project going that keeps expanding in scope
+every time I look at it.  I've gone on a couple weekend
+[backpacking]([canoeing]( trips, and (biggest time sync of all), I'm in
+the middle of a job change.  That sucks down time and energy.  Oh
+yeah, and the country/world is in a little turmoil right now
+(COVID-19 and protests) which is, to say the least, distracting,
+disorienting, disturbing, destructive and otherwise detrimental to
+a simple goal of blogging every day.
+{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/painting.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 1: </span>The ever-exapanding painting project" width="200px" >}}
+That said, I think #100DaysToOffload was (and is) a success for
+me.  I've gotten into a "writing mindset."  My paper journaling
+(started just before COVID-19 hit) continues on a mostly-daily
+basis.  A number of the blog entries I've written have spurred
+conversations with friends.  I've posted copies of a couple of
+them on [my linked-in feed]( because I thought they were relevant
+I seem to be a failure at building a large social media following,
+but that too is OK.   I write what (to me) is interesting,
+thought provoking stuff and get 3 or 4 "likes" and 10 or 20 people
+reading it.   I guess I'm not cut out to be an "Influencer" or
+"Thought Leader" (both terms I despise).  TED talks anyone?
+I am and always have been about one-on-one relationships.  The
+whole idea of broadcast media (you know, TV, Radio) bothers me.
+You're just "one-of-the crowd".  But then, hyper-targeted
+advertising feed by corporate spying and machine learning isn't
+much better.
+I've taken to writing every blog post (except maybe this one :-))
+with an individual in mind, kind of like an open letter.  I write
+for one person.  Some of the models are Cicero's letters to his
+friends and the correspondence John Adams and Thomas Jefferson
+carried on late in life.  As personal letters, the writing can be
+focused and specific while still dealing with topics of possible
+general interest.  For instance this,
+<> was written for
+my cousin the family genealogist reflecting on us both having a
+lot of family "stuff".  And this
+<> was written for my
+friend Ken who has been going to Reds games with me for 30 years,
+reflecting on changes in the game and why we go in the first place
+(friendships, diversion, traditions, hope...)
+And I'm also writing for myself.   The process of thinking and
+writing let's me collect my thoughts, capture them for myself and
+anybody else who may care.   It also allows me to start
+conversations with people, referencing my writing if appropriate.
+So I'll keep writing.  Don't look for me to complete 100 posts in
+100 days.   Life has not gone like that.   But there is value to
+me, and I think potentially others, so I'll keep it up.
+Day (well, post) 17 of #100DaysToOffload <>

+ 40 - 0

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+title = "Why I hike"
+author = ["George Jones"]
+publishDate = 2022-02-07T00:00:00-05:00
+lastmod = 2022-02-25T07:01:49-05:00
+tags = ["outdoors", "100DaysToOffload", "hiking"]
+categories = ["blog"]
+draft = false
+Why I hike.   A picture is worth 1000 words
+{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/sun-behind-ice-on-tree.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 1: </span>[\"Sun behind ice on tree\" by George Jones]( is licenced under [CC SA 4.0](" width="600px" >}}
+I went hiking in Shenandoah national park Satuday.
+Pictures here <>
+I had not been out much lately (winter, cold), but this reminded why I
+hike. You get to the top (in this case, of "Mary's Rock") and have
+breathtaking views (often when you are already out of breath :-).
+There is the sense of accomplishment in having finished the climb (in
+this case a modest ~1000 plus feet up, 1.5 miles).  You meet people (I
+met an older gentleman with a camera, and we stopped and talked
+photography for 20 minutes, I ran into some old friends).  You have
+time to think (assuming you don't blast music or podcasts into your
+brain while you could be letting it enjoy the quite of nature).  And
+it's fun.
+In some cases you take calculated risks ... this time the trail was 3
+miles of ice, treacherous in spots.  I "only" fell twice.  Others had
+cramp-ons on their shoes to give traction, I just had my poles and did
+"rock hopping" most of the way up, avoiding the ice.   But there is
+nothing to match the feeling you get when you reach the top and stare
+out into infinity across the mountains and valleys.
+There are 200 some words here.   Which are worth about 1/5 of a picture.
+\#5 of #100DaysToOffload take 2, <>

+ 40 - 0

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+title = "Oh, Little Town of Harpers Ferry, How Still We See Thee Lie"
+author = ["George Jones"]
+publishDate = 2022-02-18T00:00:00-05:00
+lastmod = 2022-02-26T07:25:47-05:00
+tags = ["life", "100DaysToOffload"]
+categories = ["blog"]
+draft = false
+Harpers Ferry: a quaint little town, vegan restaurants, a national
+park, Appalachian Trail headquarters, great place to hop a train to DC
+or Pittsburgh, a Kansas album cover or a great place to start a civil
+war? It’s all in how you look at it, who’s looking, and when.
+This is a picture I took on a hike above the town on Loudoun Heights
+Saturday and the painting of John Brown in the John Brown museum.
+{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/hf.png" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 1: </span>[\"Harpers Ferry\" by George Jones]( is licenced under [CC SA 4.0](" width="600px" >}}
+Saturday I went hiking above Harpers Ferry, WV. Today it’s just a sleepy
+little town with a [good little vegan
+restaurant](, headquarters of the [Appalachian
+Trail Conservancy]( and a lot of national park buildings (most of the old
+downtown). But back in the day (1859), it housed the federal armory, gun
+factory and John Brown thought it would be a great place start a slave
+rebellion. He was wrong. But he lit the fuse of the Civil War that ended
+slavery. His short lived rebellion was put down by federal troops lead
+by … Robert E. Lee, later commander of the Confederate army and JEB Stewart,
+a confederate general. And you may even recognize a Kansas (70s band) album
+cover in the painting of Brown-as-Moses with a bible in one hand and a
+gun in the other.
+Turns out there is no museum in Harper Ferry dedicated to the man who
+enforced the status quo. I guess we know who was “on the wrong side of
+\#10 of #100DaysToOffload take 2, <>

+ 79 - 0

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+title = "Things That Have Been Around The House for 220+ Years"
+author = ["George Jones"]
+publishDate = 2020-05-11
+lastmod = 2022-02-25T06:51:36-05:00
+tags = ["family", "history", "tolkien", "life"]
+categories = ["blog"]
+draft = false
+> The world has changed.
+> I see it in the water.
+> I feel it in the Earth.
+> I smell it in the air.
+> Much that once was is lost,
+> For none now live who remember it. ”
+> ― J. R. R. Tolkien
+Life goes on, until it doesn't.  Then those of us who are still here
+are often left with the cherished collections of a generation, or two,
+or three, or four, or...  The oldest thing I think I have in the house
+is this page torn out of a family bible (I have at least 3 of them,
+big, old, once-cherished).  It records the death of a William Gould in
+1792, and of Joseph Dennis Gould in 1835.
+<a id="figure--pic:left-behind"></a>
+{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/goulds.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 1: </span>left-behind" >}}
+I also have lecture notes Joseph Gould took at seminary, as describe
+in this slightly edited email I sent to a relative a few years ago.
+There were some big things going on in those days.
+> And here, almost certainly is the Dr. Beecher in question.  Father of
+> Harriet Beecher Stowe [Uncle Tom's Cabin].  Calvinist evangelist at
+> the head of the second great awakening, leader in the temperance
+> movement and at the center of a controversy at a seminary in
+> Cincinnati about slavery the same year [1834] these notes were
+> taken...18 straight nights of debate on the topic, near riots, 50
+> students withdrawing en mass and moving to Oberlin college.  The
+> church and the nation [were] starting to pull apart.
+> And then there was this barn [built by my ?great-great? grandfather
+> Morrison for my other great-great grandfather ?Ephriam Gouuld?] north
+> of Marietta [Lower Salem, Ohio] that housed runaway slaves. It was a
+> stop on the underground railroad just north of the Ohio river. And 27
+> years later another young man [my great grandfather Elisha Morrison,
+> later to marry Lydia Catherine Gould] who enlisted in the union
+> army....
+> <>
+> .... I have a book that appears to have started as Joseph Gould's
+> notes on "Dr. Beechers lectures on theology" in 1834, then used by
+> Daniel Gould as his account book from 1847 to his death in 1851.  Then
+> it contains Ephraim Gould's records as administrator of the estate,
+> later records of Morris Morrison and and E F Morrison through 1891,
+> and finally entries from Anna Gould from 1923 to 1925.  We have Anna
+> Goulds will dated 1925.  I think I was told she was a sister to [my
+> great grandmother] Catherine Gould Morrison and cared for Ephraim
+> Gould in his old age, which is probably also why I have his
+> cane..... I guess paper was scarce....
+I'm not sure what to make of all this.  It's good to know where you
+came from.  There are stories and values associated with some of these
+things.  It's good to remember the trials and victories of those who
+came before.
+> “I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.  "So do I,"
+> said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is
+> not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the
+> time that is given us.”
+> ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
+Day 11 of #100DaysToOffload <>