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Published Sat Dec 10 07:18:02 AM EST 2022: 'No comment'

George Jones před 1 rokem

+ 158 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+title = "Mark Twain quote on cryptocurrency (via ChatGPT)"
+author = ["George M Jones"]
+publishDate = 2022-12-10T00:00:00-05:00
+lastmod = 2022-12-10T07:08:10-05:00
+tags = ["news", "philosophy", "history", "100DaysToOffload", "geek", "latin"]
+categories = ["blog"]
+draft = false
+make up a mak twain quote about crypocurrency
+> Here is a possible quote that Mark Twain might have said about cryptocurrency:
+> “The only thing more elusive than the value of cryptocurrency is the person who invented it. They must be a master of misdirection, for they have managed to convince the world that a string of numbers and letters has worth.”
+A poem about Pete Rose?  A LATIN poem about Pete Rose? A bash script
+to search files and contents? Advice on investing beat the market and
+inflation? How to pack for a week long backpacking trip?
+We used to say of computer programs "Garbage in, garbage out" ... but
+ChatGPT seems to be getting a little better than that, probably not
+close to passing the Turing test, but at the very least amusing.  I
+think grading of high school assignments just became a lot harder...
+write a poem about pete rose
+<div class="verse">
+Pete Rose was a baseball great,<br />
+A player without compare,<br />
+With a bat in his hand and a smile on his face,<br />
+He could hit a ball anywhere.<br />
+<br />
+His hits record will never be beat,<br />
+And his passion for the game was clear,<br />
+But his fall from grace was a tragic defeat,<br />
+And his legacy forever tarnished, I fear.<br />
+<br />
+But still, I can't help but admire<br />
+The way he played the game,<br />
+With speed and skill and all his heart,<br />
+He left it all on the field and never gave up the fight.<br />
+<br />
+So here's to you, Pete Rose,<br />
+A baseball legend in your own right,<br />
+Though your mistakes may never be forgotten,<br />
+Your place in history is secure, at least tonight.<br />
+But wait, there's more.
+write a latin poem about pete rose
+<div class="verse">
+Pete Rose, ludus magnus,<br />
+Non comparari potest,<br />
+Bat cum manu et risus facie,<br />
+Posset pila ubique ferire.<br />
+<br />
+Record eius numquam vincetur,<br />
+Et amor eius pro ludo patet,<br />
+Sed casus eius tristis est,<br />
+Et memoria eius semper maculata timeo.<br />
+<br />
+Sed tamen admirari non possum<br />
+Modo ludebat,<br />
+Velocitate et peritia et tota corde,<br />
+Semper certabat et numquam desistebat.<br />
+<br />
+Ergo tibi, Pete Rose,<br />
+Legenda ludi tua propria,<br />
+Licet errores tui numquam obliviscantur,<br />
+Locum tuum in historia tutum est, saltem hac nocte.<br />
+write me a bash script that searches for files by partial name that contain a certain regex
+Here is a Bash script that searches for files with a partial name that match a specified regular expression and prints their names to the terminal:
+Copy code
+# Prompt the user for the search term and regular expression
+read -p "Enter the partial file name to search for: " search_term
+read -p "Enter the regular expression to match: " regex
+# Search for files with the specified name and matching regular expression
+results=$(find . -name "*$search_term*" -exec grep -l "$regex" {} +)
+# Print the names of each file that was found
+while read -r file; do
+  echo "$file"
+done <<< "$results"
+This script uses the find command to search for files with the specified partial name and grep to match the regular expression. The -l option for grep is used to print only the names of the files that match, rather than their contents. The read command is used to prompt the user for input and to iterate over the search results.
+To use this script, save it to a file (e.g., make it executable with chmod +x, and run it with ./ You can specify the partial file name and regular expression to search for when prompted.
+how do I invest to beat the market and inflation
+> To invest in order to beat the market and inflation, you can follow these steps:
+> Identify your financial goals and the time frame in which you want to achieve them. This will help you determine the right investment strategy for your situation.
+> Create a diversified portfolio that includes a mix of stocks, bonds, and other investments. This will help reduce the risk of your investments and increase the chances of achieving your financial goals.
+> Research different investments and compare their potential returns, risks, and fees. Look for investments that have a track record of outperforming the market and have the potential to protect against inflation.
+> Consider consulting with a financial advisor who can provide expert advice on investing and help you create a personalized investment plan.
+> Regularly monitor your investments and make adjustments as needed. This may include rebalancing your portfolio to maintain the right mix of investments, selling underperforming investments, and buying new investments that align with your financial goals.
+> By following these steps and being disciplined in your approach to investing, you can increase the chances of beating the market and protecting against inflation. However, it is important to keep in mind that there are no guarantees in investing, and the value of your investments can go up or down. It is always a good idea to carefully consider the risks and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
+what backpacking gear should I get rid of when hiking for a week or more
+> When backpacking for a week or more, it is important to carefully consider the gear you take with you. To save weight and space, you may want to consider getting rid of the following items:
+> Extra clothing: Take only the essentials, such as a few layers for different weather conditions and a waterproof jacket. Avoid taking duplicate items or clothing that you are unlikely to wear.
+> Heavy or bulky items: Look for lightweight and compact alternatives to your gear, such as a backpacking stove, sleeping pad, and tent.
+> Non-essential items: Consider leaving behind items that are not necessary for your trip, such as a camp chair, extra gadgets, or luxury items.
+> Expired or unnecessary items: Get rid of any food, medication, or first-aid supplies that are expired or that you are unlikely to use.
+> Overall, the key is to pack only the essentials and to prioritize lightweight and compact gear. By doing so, you can save weight and space and make your backpacking trip more enjoyable.
+make up a mak twain quote about crypocurrency
+Here is a possible quote that Mark Twain might have said about cryptocurrency:
+> "The only thing more elusive than the value of cryptocurrency is the person who invented it. They must be a master of misdirection, for they have managed to convince the world that a string of numbers and letters has worth."
+\#39 of #100DaysToOffload take 2.1, <>

+ 160 - 0

@@ -4131,6 +4131,166 @@ at least /try/ to add those qualities to my own life.
 #13 of #100DaysToOffload take 2,
 *** Current Events                                  :news:philosophy:history:
+**** WIP Mark Twain quote on cryptocurrency (via ChatGPT)  :100DaysToOffload:geek:latin:
+  :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: 2022-12-10
+  :END:
+make up a mak twain quote about crypocurrency
+Here is a possible quote that Mark Twain might have said about cryptocurrency:
+“The only thing more elusive than the value of cryptocurrency is the person who invented it. They must be a master of misdirection, for they have managed to convince the world that a string of numbers and letters has worth.”
+A poem about Pete Rose?  A LATIN poem about Pete Rose? A bash script
+to search files and contents? Advice on investing beat the market and
+inflation? How to pack for a week long backpacking trip?
+#+hugo: more
+We used to say of computer programs "Garbage in, garbage out" ... but
+ChatGPT seems to be getting a little better than that, probably not
+close to passing the Turing test, but at the very least amusing.  I
+think grading of high school assignments just became a lot harder...
+write a poem about pete rose
+Pete Rose was a baseball great,
+A player without compare,
+With a bat in his hand and a smile on his face,
+He could hit a ball anywhere.
+His hits record will never be beat,
+And his passion for the game was clear,
+But his fall from grace was a tragic defeat,
+And his legacy forever tarnished, I fear.
+But still, I can't help but admire
+The way he played the game,
+With speed and skill and all his heart,
+He left it all on the field and never gave up the fight.
+So here's to you, Pete Rose,
+A baseball legend in your own right,
+Though your mistakes may never be forgotten,
+Your place in history is secure, at least tonight.
+But wait, there's more.
+write a latin poem about pete rose
+Pete Rose, ludus magnus,
+Non comparari potest,
+Bat cum manu et risus facie,
+Posset pila ubique ferire.
+Record eius numquam vincetur,
+Et amor eius pro ludo patet,
+Sed casus eius tristis est,
+Et memoria eius semper maculata timeo.
+Sed tamen admirari non possum
+Modo ludebat,
+Velocitate et peritia et tota corde,
+Semper certabat et numquam desistebat.
+Ergo tibi, Pete Rose,
+Legenda ludi tua propria,
+Licet errores tui numquam obliviscantur,
+Locum tuum in historia tutum est, saltem hac nocte.
+write me a bash script that searches for files by partial name that contain a certain regex
+Here is a Bash script that searches for files with a partial name that match a specified regular expression and prints their names to the terminal:
+Copy code
+#+begin_src bash
+# Prompt the user for the search term and regular expression
+read -p "Enter the partial file name to search for: " search_term
+read -p "Enter the regular expression to match: " regex
+# Search for files with the specified name and matching regular expression
+results=$(find . -name "*$search_term*" -exec grep -l "$regex" {} +)
+# Print the names of each file that was found
+while read -r file; do
+  echo "$file"
+done <<< "$results"
+This script uses the find command to search for files with the specified partial name and grep to match the regular expression. The -l option for grep is used to print only the names of the files that match, rather than their contents. The read command is used to prompt the user for input and to iterate over the search results.
+To use this script, save it to a file (e.g., make it executable with chmod +x, and run it with ./ You can specify the partial file name and regular expression to search for when prompted.
+how do I invest to beat the market and inflation
+To invest in order to beat the market and inflation, you can follow these steps:
+Identify your financial goals and the time frame in which you want to achieve them. This will help you determine the right investment strategy for your situation.
+Create a diversified portfolio that includes a mix of stocks, bonds, and other investments. This will help reduce the risk of your investments and increase the chances of achieving your financial goals.
+Research different investments and compare their potential returns, risks, and fees. Look for investments that have a track record of outperforming the market and have the potential to protect against inflation.
+Consider consulting with a financial advisor who can provide expert advice on investing and help you create a personalized investment plan.
+Regularly monitor your investments and make adjustments as needed. This may include rebalancing your portfolio to maintain the right mix of investments, selling underperforming investments, and buying new investments that align with your financial goals.
+By following these steps and being disciplined in your approach to investing, you can increase the chances of beating the market and protecting against inflation. However, it is important to keep in mind that there are no guarantees in investing, and the value of your investments can go up or down. It is always a good idea to carefully consider the risks and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
+what backpacking gear should I get rid of when hiking for a week or more
+When backpacking for a week or more, it is important to carefully consider the gear you take with you. To save weight and space, you may want to consider getting rid of the following items:
+Extra clothing: Take only the essentials, such as a few layers for different weather conditions and a waterproof jacket. Avoid taking duplicate items or clothing that you are unlikely to wear.
+Heavy or bulky items: Look for lightweight and compact alternatives to your gear, such as a backpacking stove, sleeping pad, and tent.
+Non-essential items: Consider leaving behind items that are not necessary for your trip, such as a camp chair, extra gadgets, or luxury items.
+Expired or unnecessary items: Get rid of any food, medication, or first-aid supplies that are expired or that you are unlikely to use.
+Overall, the key is to pack only the essentials and to prioritize lightweight and compact gear. By doing so, you can save weight and space and make your backpacking trip more enjoyable.
+make up a mak twain quote about crypocurrency
+Here is a possible quote that Mark Twain might have said about cryptocurrency:
+"The only thing more elusive than the value of cryptocurrency is the person who invented it. They must be a master of misdirection, for they have managed to convince the world that a string of numbers and letters has worth."
+#39 of #100DaysToOffload take 2.1,
 **** PUBLISHED Peace be with you                           :100DaysToOffload:
 :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: 2022-03-05