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Published Sun Jan 29 07:34:31 AM EST 2023:

George Jones 1 rok pred

+ 41 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+title = "mornings without the phone (regaining my mind)"
+author = ["George M Jones"]
+publishDate = 2023-01-29T00:00:00-05:00
+lastmod = 2023-01-29T07:27:36-05:00
+tags = ["life", "100DaysToOffload"]
+categories = ["blog"]
+draft = false
+Believe it or not, you will be OK if you don't use your "smart"-phone
+to look up everything the minute you think of it, if you don't have it
+by your bed at night and you don't turn it on for a few hours.  You
+might even regain a less-addicted, more thoughtful "smart"-you.
+For the past few days I've been going "Cold Turkey" on using the "smart"
+phone as part of my morning routine: checking news, listening to podcasts,
+checking email, looking up things I'm curious about, etc.
+It feels like I'm getting my own mind back.
+I have spasms of "I have to look this up", but I really don't need
+to. They quickly pass, and I'm OK without knowing why the Crickets
+were not with Buddy Holly when his plane went down.
+Sometimes you want to maintain control of your own stream-of-consciousness.
+Sure, it might be free association of ideas, knowledge and experiences
+that are already bouncing around in your skull. But they are YOUR thoughts.
+Not some advertising-induced, attention grabbing graphic-heavy distractions
+that some web-designer or marketing person decided you needed to see
+to drive "engagement" with whatever their schtick is.
+It's OK not to know.   Get your own mind back.  Break your addition to
+the smart phone, for at least part of the day.
+The first version of this was written in a paper journal with a
+\#44 of #100DaysToOffload take 2.1, <>

+ 40 - 2

@@ -4888,7 +4888,46 @@ beliefs.  I may be tearing down my own beliefs. γνῶθι σεαυτόν!
 # Post 21 of #100DaysToOffload
-*** PUBLISHED Life                                                     :life:
+*** Life                                                               :life:
+**** PUBLISHED mornings without the phone (regaining my mind) :100DaysToOffload:
+  :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: 2023-01-29
+  :END:
+Believe it or not, you will be OK if you don't use your "smart"-phone
+to look up everything the minute you think of it, if you don't have it
+by your bed at night and you don't turn it on for a few hours.  You
+might even regain a less-addicted, more thoughtful "smart"-you.
+#+hugo: more
+For the past few days I've been going "Cold Turkey" on using the "smart"
+phone as part of my morning routine: checking news, listening to podcasts,
+checking email, looking up things I'm curious about, etc.
+It feels like I'm getting my own mind back.
+I have spasms of "I have to look this up", but I really don't need
+to. They quickly pass, and I'm OK without knowing why the Crickets
+were not with Buddy Holly when his plane went down.
+Sometimes you want to maintain control of your own stream-of-consciousness.
+Sure, it might be free association of ideas, knowledge and experiences
+that are already bouncing around in your skull. But they are YOUR thoughts.
+Not some advertising-induced, attention grabbing graphic-heavy distractions
+that some web-designer or marketing person decided you needed to see
+to drive "engagement" with whatever their schtick is.
+It's OK not to know.   Get your own mind back.  Break your addition to
+the smart phone, for at least part of the day.
+The first version of this was written in a paper journal with a
+#44 of #100DaysToOffload take 2.1,
 **** Death, Taxes, and Job                                 :100DaysToOffload:
   :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: 2023-01-11
@@ -4987,7 +5026,6 @@ us can do.
 #43 of #100DaysToOffload take 2.1,
 **** PUBLISHED Generation P                                :100DaysToOffload:
   :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: 2023-01-08