+++ title = "Successful?" author = ["George M Jones"] publishDate = 2022-12-26 lastmod = 2022-12-26T07:12:07-05:00 tags = ["work", "100DaysToOffload"] categories = ["blog"] draft = false +++ In I said > Bruce moved on from there to be VP of MSN at Microsoft for a while. > Arguably a "Highly Successful Person" Which, of course, begs (assumes, cedes) the question: > What is success? Bruce embraced the management track. I've fairly consistently and actively dodged it, ironically after Bruce promoted me to my first supervisory role ... managing the development of a web-page creation tool for CompuServe's "MySpace"-like web page publishing system ... from there I took a hard career turn into the security world focusing on Internet security, routers, linux/unix, etc. For me, that's been a resounding success. Just no direct reports, budgets or Microsoft Windows, which were anti-goals for me. I've focused on front-line, hands-on doing. \#41 of #100DaysToOffload take 2.1,