+++ title = "Digital chimney smoke?" author = ["George M Jones"] publishDate = 2020-04-27 lastmod = 2023-12-06T05:46:10-05:00 tags = ["life", "twitter", "DigitalFrontiers"] categories = ["blog"] draft = false +++ Daniel Boone is quoted (via Hubert Humphrey) as saying > when he could see the smoke from another chimney, felt himself too > crowded and moved further out into the wilderness. Mark Twain said > Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. I was on email as early as 1980 on a DEC20. I was on Usenet news when it was the digital frontier and on the Internet in the mid-80s, 10 years or so before the Web. I helped bring America online working at CompuServe before America Online existed. I quit Facebook in the run-up to the 2016 election as it got too political and now I find that my main digital platform (Twitter) is home to the daily, um, ?sophisms? of the President who spawned the political rhetoric I fled. Is it time to move on? Time to find another avant-guard tech hole to clime into? Thanks to the Internet there are infinitely more options than just the dial-up BBS systems of the early 80s. I was a little sad to loose contact with all the elementary school friends that Facebook enabled me to reconnect with after 40 years (OK, not really) and I would be sad too loose touch with the zany [#ClassicsTwitter](https://twitter.com/search?q=%2523classicstwitter&src=typed_query) crowd ([aeneasgoogling apud elysium](https://twitter.com/aeneasgoogling) I'm looking at you) that tweets in Latin. Where to go? Maybe just pick up stakes, head west and see where I find myself?