+++ title = "HOWTO: Breaking and fixing DNS - Understanding modern DNS on Ubuntu." author = ["George M Jones"] publishDate = 2020-05-10 lastmod = 2023-12-06T05:46:45-05:00 tags = ["DNS", "Ubuntu", "HOWTO", "Linux", "systemd"] categories = ["blog"] draft = false +++ One dark and stormy night I broke my DNS. I decided to move beyond `/etc/resolv.conf` and see what demons (daemons?) were lurking under the hood. "Its complicated." This is the story of understanding, debugging and fixing it. ## 1 /etc/resolv.conf {#etc-resolv-dot-conf} If you look at `/etc/resolv.conf` on a Linux system today (Ubuntu 19.10) you will find something like: ```text # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8) # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN # is the systemd-resolved stub resolver. # run "systemd-resolve --status" to see details about the actual nameservers. nameserver search lan ``` But the file seems to change. I've seen it without most of the verbiage above. I've seen the file contain both and Confusing. systemd? ## 2 You _can_ edit `/etc/resolv.conf` {#you-can-edit-etc-resolv-dot-conf} First let me say that despite the dire warnings below, you **can** edit `/etc/resolv.conf`, e.g. to make it look like ```text # Generated by NetworkManager search lan nameserver ``` And it will work until NetworkManager chooses to overwrite the file. Not sure if `sudo chmod 444 /etc/resolv.conf` be enough to keep NetworkManager from overwriting it. ## 3 You _can_ make `/etc/resolv.conf` immutable {#you-can-make-etc-resolv-dot-conf-immutable} If you _do_ edit `/etc/resolv.conf` you can make it immutable to prevent systemd from updating it: ```text $ sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf $ sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf rm: cannot remove '/etc/resolv.conf': Operation not permitted ``` ## 4 Debugging a broken DNS {#debugging-a-broken-dns} I was living dangerously and simultaneously playing with and letting Ubuntu try to upgrade my system. It went south. DNS stopped working. The following were some of the debugging steps I took to try to understand/fix the issue: ### 4.1 Testing resolution - is name resolution working? {#testing-resolution-is-name-resolution-working} In this phase of debugging, I try to do name resolution as configured: dig - no namserver specified : I ran `$ dig www.uu.net` to see if everything was working as intended. Nope. No response. dig - known-good nameserver : I ran `$ dig www.uu.net @` to see if I could resolve against a known-good nameserver. This worked. No issues with connectivity/routing. dig - : I ran `$ dig www.uu.net @` to see if the local systemd-resolved nameserver specified in /etc/resolv.conf was working. Nope. systemd-resolved - how is it configured? : I ran `$ systemd-resolve --status` to see how systemd thought dns was configured. The wireless interface I was using pointed to a nameserver (the proxy server on my wireless router) that should work: ```text $ systemd-resolve --status ... Link 3 (wlp2s0) Current Scopes: DNS LLMNR setting: yes MulticastDNS setting: no DNSSEC setting: no DNSSEC supported: no DNS Servers: DNS Domain: ~. lan ``` systemd-resolve - let systemd resolve a name : dig(1) and host(1) are not the only game in town for doing command line DNS look-ups. Systemd (of course) will do it for you: ```text $ systemd-resolve www.uu.net www.uu.net: ``` In this case, it worked, which tells me that systemd-resolved is happy and working. try dig again : Try another "normal" lookup: ```text $ dig www.uu.net ``` This failed. The conclusion seems to be that the whatever the resolver library is looking at ( is not working. edit `/etc/resolv.conf` : Pointing `/etc/resolv.conf` at working nameservers fixed the problem: ```text # Generated by NetworkManager search lan #nameserver # BROKEN. systemd-resolved nameserver set by NetworkManager #nameserver # WORKS. quad9 nameserver nameserver # WORKS. wireless router nameserver ``` #### 4.1.1 Conclusion - the systemd-resolved is not answering {#conclusion-the-systemd-resolved-is-not-answering} ### 4.2 What name resolution processes are running? {#what-name-resolution-processes-are-running} The next question is: what's (not) running? What's (not) listening? To answer these questions, I poked at the network and the running processes: nmap - look for listeners : nmap did not show a DNS listener at ```text gmj@ed home-computing [master] $ sudo nmap -v -sU -PS Starting Nmap 7.60 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2020-05-10 07:51 EDT Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 07:51 Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 07:51, 0.02s elapsed Initiating UDP Scan at 07:51 Scanning [1000 ports] Completed UDP Scan at 07:51, 2.80s elapsed (1000 total ports) Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.000049s latency). Not shown: 997 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 68/udp open|filtered dhcpc 631/udp open|filtered ipp 5353/udp open|filtered zeroconf ``` zeroconf :: Is zeroconf listening? What is 5353? It looks like 5353 is multicast DNS. ```text $ egrep -i domain\|dns /etc/services domain 53/tcp # Domain Name Server domain 53/udp mdns 5353/tcp # Multicast DNS mdns 5353/udp ``` lsof -i : look at listening ports Next, I used lsof(1) to look at listening and connected ports, successively grepping out the "known" and "uninteresting": ```text gmj@ed home-computing [master] $ sudo lsof -i -n | egrep -vi established\|dropbox\|ssh\|http\|smtp\|bootp\|ipp COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME avahi-dae 1064 avahi 12u IPv4 25434 0t0 UDP *:mdns avahi-dae 1064 avahi 13u IPv6 25435 0t0 UDP *:mdns avahi-dae 1064 avahi 14u IPv4 25436 0t0 UDP *:42027 avahi-dae 1064 avahi 15u IPv6 25437 0t0 UDP *:44240 dnsmasq 2538 libvirt-dnsmasq 5u IPv4 37248 0t0 UDP dnsmasq 2538 libvirt-dnsmasq 6u IPv4 37249 0t0 TCP (LISTEN) brave 28951 gmj 43u IPv4 250584 0t0 UDP ``` Looks like avahe-dae[mon] is listening on multicast-dns (mdns) on 5353, and there are outbound connections to, which **was** a wired connection to the router, but nothing listening on port 53. This is a problem. ### 4.3 Why is systemd-resolved not answering - do I care? {#why-is-systemd-resolved-not-answering-do-i-care} Do I really want to debug systemd-resolved? No. I was half planing on upgrading to the latest Ubuntu release (20.04) anyhow. This seems like the time to do it, rather than debugging this problem further. ### 4.4 Lessons learned {#lessons-learned} run servers on dedicated systems : I had been messing with on this system (a laptop that mostly does not move/go off the net). There was some confusion/doubt about whether this interacted badly with things/caused the problems. It may have. I un-installed it. But running a dedicated server would be better. Failed Ubuntu "upgrade" : The actual trigger that made things not work was an attempt to let the Ubuntu installer upgrade the system. This failed in strange ways. After running, my system which was Ubuntu 19.10 reported (/etc/issue) to being 18.04 and the pi-hole logs reported that they could not find the wireless interface it had been configured to use (but the device was still there, same name, still working...) ## 5 Next Steps {#next-steps} ### TODO 5.1 Do a hard upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 {#do-a-hard-upgrade-to-ubuntu-20-dot-04} - Full backup, wipe disk, restore... - Use ansible, docker, chief or similar to make configs repeatable. ### TODO 5.2 Set up a server to run pi-hole and other services {#set-up-a-server-to-run-pi-hole-and-other-services} - Possibly re-purpose an old laptop or pogo-plug device running something minimal like Arch Linux - Use ansible, docker, chief or similar to make configs repeatable. ## 6 Things to learn more about {#things-to-learn-more-about} avhai : So what is [avhai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avahi_%28software%29)-dae[mon]? It looks like a zero-configuration (I wish !) networking services that uses multi-cast DNS on a local network. Do I need to be running this? systemd-resolved : I may want to learn more about this, as it is part of the new regime in most Linux distros. But not now. - For Further Reading resolvers, stub resolvers and nameservers : Day 10 of #100DaysToOffload. Delayed a day due to DNS problems :-)