+++ title = "It seems like a good day for some Russian opera" author = ["George M Jones"] publishDate = 2022-02-26T00:00:00-05:00 lastmod = 2023-12-06T05:46:06-05:00 tags = ["life", "100DaysToOffload", "history", "music"] categories = ["blog"] draft = false +++ Below is some text from Rimsky-Korsakov's last opera, where the people mockingly pledge loyalty to the Russian King (Tsar) > King Dodon, a lazy and gluttonous ruler, is greatly worried > by his warlike neighbors. It seems the Kremlin's website is having some issues right now... {{< figure src="/ox-hugo/movealong.png" caption="Figure 1: [\"Kremlin Website, Nothing To See Here, Move Along\" by George Jones](http://curious.galthub.com/ox-hugo/movealong.png) is licenced under [CC SA 4.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)" width="300px" >}} ```text People (shouting). Long life to thee! Hurrah! May thou have every good thing! (Begin to sing.) "We are thy faithful servants. Who kiss the Royal feet. We are glad to serve thee. To amuse thee with our foolishness, To box for thee upon a holiday, To bark, to crawl on all fours, So that thy hours may flow quickly And may bring sweet sleep. Without thee we should have no Reason for existing; For thee we were born And for thee we have had chidren." ``` From In the historical context (1908), Russia had just lost a war to Japan where it's army was defeated and _two_ fleets were sunk by Japan. The Tsar was in disgrace. The start of WWI was only 6 years away and the Russian revolution was only 9 years away. The (Tsarist) censors didn't like the text. Wonder why. \#12 of #100DaysToOffload take 2,