20200418.md 4.4 KB

+++ title = "Fixing GNU bash associative array insert speed" author = ["George M Jones"] publishDate = 2020-04-18T00:00:00-04:00 lastmod = 2022-12-05T06:10:29-05:00 tags = ["geek", "programming", "gnu", "linux"] categories = ["blog"] draft = false +++

Bash uses linear search to insert values in to associative arrays. This is all well and good for small numbers of keys. I was adding millions[^fn:1]. I went poking around the bash source code today (2020-04-18) to confirm my suspicion and gauge the difficulty of adding an option to do something more sensible.

In less than a day after I reported it, there is a patch https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bash/2020-04/msg00114.html My timing code and pre and post patch timings are here: https://github.com/eludom/snippits/tree/master/bash/tests

Here the steps I took and where I might go if I get serious about fixing the problem:

1 Get the source code {#get-the-source-code}

1.1 Find it {#find-it}

find the homepage : A quick bit of googling lead to the homepage http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/bash/

use git : For a minute it looked like GNU was still stuck in the bad old

days of having to download a tarball and then apply a series
of patches, but fortunately, it there is a git repo <http://savannah.gnu.org/git/?group=bash>

1.2 Download it {#download-it}

git clone https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/bash.git

1.3 Build it {#build-it}

Bash follows a time honored build convention


1.4 Analyze it {#analyze-it}

  • I read the NEWS file for any indication that associative arrays has been worked on to speed up associative array insert/look-ups. No indication that they had.
  • I checked the git commit logs, which appear to be meaningful after Bash-4.4 patch 19. Nothing.
  • With judicious use of grep ("grep-find in Emacs") for "associative" and "hash_search" it turns out that associative array inserts (as all inserts) are done with use of the "hash_search" function in hashlib.c
  • has_insert() begins as follows:
/* Create an entry for STRING, in TABLE.  If the entry already
   exists, then return it (unless the HASH_NOSRCH flag is set). */
hash_insert (string, table, flags)
     char *string;
     HASH_TABLE *table;
     int flags;
  int bucket;
  unsigned int hv;

  if (table == 0)
    table = hash_create (0);

  item = (flags & HASH_NOSRCH) ? (BUCKET_CONTENTS *)NULL
                               : hash_search (string, table, 0);
  • and there it is, the linear search walking the list in hash_search()
/* Return a pointer to the hashed item.  If the HASH_CREATE flag is passed,
   create a new hash table entry for STRING, otherwise return NULL. */
hash_search (string, table, flags)
     const char *string;
     HASH_TABLE *table;
     int flags;
  int bucket;
  unsigned int hv;

  if (table == 0 || ((flags & HASH_CREATE) == 0 && HASH_ENTRIES (table) == 0))

  bucket = HASH_BUCKET (string, table, hv);

  for (list = table->bucket_array ? table->bucket_array[bucket] : 0; list; list = list->next)
      /* This is the comparison function */
      if (hv == list->khash && STREQ (list->key, string))
          return (list);

2 Next steps {#next-steps}

2.1 DONE Reach out to the maintainers {#done-reach-out-to-the-maintainers}

see if they would even entertain the idea of a patch

2.2 CANCELED Look for appropriate in-memory hash insert/lookup functions {#canceled-look-for-appropriate-in-memory-hash-insert-lookup-functions}

  • btrees ?

2.3 CANCELED Code it {#canceled-code-it}

2.4 CANCELED test it {#canceled-test-it}

2.5 CANCELED submit patch {#canceled-submit-patch}

See https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bash/2020-04/msg00114.html

[^fn:1]: yes, there are many better tools for this job, but not in the constrained environment where this had to run.