2022-04-22.md 891 B

+++ title = "Can I get the job done by doing nothing?" author = ["George M Jones"] publishDate = 2022-04-22T00:00:00-04:00 lastmod = 2022-04-23T06:14:27-04:00 tags = ["work", "100DaysToOffload", "GTD"] categories = ["blog"] draft = false +++

Over the years you pick up useful ideas from people. One of the most useful "project management" ideas I've ever encountered is

Can I get the job done by doing nothing?

Use the code you already have. Use existing slide decks. Time is scarce. Don't waste it creating something new when something you already have will do the job. Don't spend hours getting a slide deck to %100 perfection when what you really need to do is talk over some ideas and the existing material is sufficient to spark conversation.

Thanks to Russell Leighton for the mind-boggling obvious idea.

#26 of #100DaysToOffload take 2, https://100daystooffload.com/