George Jones 3 years ago
2 changed files with 255 additions and 256 deletions
  1. 250 250
  2. 5 6

+ 250 - 250

@@ -1,295 +1,295 @@
-  #PROG=`basename "$0" | tr -d '\n'`  # normal setting
-  PROG="bashrc" # setting for bashrc due to errors
+#PROG=`basename "$0" | tr -d '\n'`  # normal setting
+PROG="bashrc" # setting for bashrc due to errors
-  function info()  { echo ${PROG}\: info: "$@" 1>&2; }
-  function warn()  { echo ${PROG}\: warning: "$@" 1>&2; }
-  function error() { echo ${PROG}\: error: "$@" 1>&2; }
-  function debug() { [[ -v DEBUG ]] && echo ${PROG}\: debug: "$@" 1>&2 || true ; }
-  function die()   { echo ${PROG}\: fatal: "$@" 1>&2 && exit 1; }
+function info()  { echo ${PROG}\: info: "$@" 1>&2; }
+function warn()  { echo ${PROG}\: warning: "$@" 1>&2; }
+function error() { echo ${PROG}\: error: "$@" 1>&2; }
+function debug() { [[ -v DEBUG ]] && echo ${PROG}\: debug: "$@" 1>&2 || true ; }
+function die()   { echo ${PROG}\: fatal: "$@" 1>&2 && exit 1; }
 export PS1="\# [\t] \u@\h \W/ $ "
-  alias rm='	rm -i'
-  alias ag='	alias | grep -i'
-  alias eg='	printenv | grep -i'
-  alias hg='	history | grep -i'
-  alias ht='	history | tail'
-  alias fpg='	find . -print | egrep -i'
-  alias egi='	egrep -i'
-  alias psg='	/bin/ps -auxww | grep'
-  alias p8='	ping -c 3' # make sure routing works
-  alias pp='	ping -c 3' # make sure dns and routing work
-  alias locate='locate -r'
-  function dirl() {
-      # "DIR"ectory "L"ist directory stack, one per line
-      # Usage: dirl
-      for d in `dirs`; do echo $d; done
-  }
-  function dirc() {
-      # "DIR"ectory "C"onnect - connect to directory and list stack
-      # Usage: dirc [DIR
-      pushd ${1:-"$HOME"} > /dev/null
-      dirl
-  }
-  function dirp () {
-      # "DIR"ectory "P"op - pop N entries off the directory stack
-      # Usage: dirp [N]
-      #
-      # OLD:
-      #   alias  dirp='popd > /dev/null && dirl'
-      for i in `seq ${1:-"1"}`; do
-          debug "dirl: popd. i is $i"
-          popd > /dev/null;
-      done
-      dirl
-  }
-  alias cd=pushd
-  function gf() {
-  # grep-find: grep for patterins in files via find
-  #
-  # Usage: gf patterns [files [days]]
-  #
-  # Examples:
-  #   gf findMeAnywhere
-  #   gf findMeInTextFiles '*.txt'
-  #   gf findMeInTextFiles .txt
-  #   gf BEGIN\|END .org 30
-  local files=""
-  local days="365"
-  set -o noglob
-  # First arg is pattern(s) for egrep
-  if [ -z ${1+x} ]; then
-    echo 'gf needs string(s) to search for ' 1>&2
-    info "Usage: gf patterns [files [days]]"
-    return 1
+alias rm='	rm -i'
+alias ag='	alias | grep -i'
+alias eg='	printenv | grep -i'
+alias hg='	history | grep -i'
+alias ht='	history | tail'
+alias fpg='	find . -print | egrep -i'
+alias egi='	egrep -i'
+alias psg='	/bin/ps -auxww | grep'
+alias p8='	ping -c 3' # make sure routing works
+alias pp='	ping -c 3' # make sure dns and routing work
+alias locate='locate -r'
+function dirl() {
+    # "DIR"ectory "L"ist directory stack, one per line
+    # Usage: dirl
+    for d in `dirs`; do echo $d; done
+function dirc() {
+    # "DIR"ectory "C"onnect - connect to directory and list stack
+    # Usage: dirc [DIR
+    pushd ${1:-"$HOME"} > /dev/null
+    dirl
+function dirp () {
+    # "DIR"ectory "P"op - pop N entries off the directory stack
+    # Usage: dirp [N]
+    #
+    # OLD:
+    #   alias  dirp='popd > /dev/null && dirl'
+    for i in `seq ${1:-"1"}`; do
+        debug "dirl: popd. i is $i"
+        popd > /dev/null;
+    done
+    dirl
+alias cd=pushd
+function gf() {
+# grep-find: grep for patterins in files via find
+# Usage: gf patterns [files [days]]
+# Examples:
+#   gf findMeAnywhere
+#   gf findMeInTextFiles '*.txt'
+#   gf findMeInTextFiles .txt
+#   gf BEGIN\|END .org 30
+local files=""
+local days="365"
+set -o noglob
+# First arg is pattern(s) for egrep
+if [ -z ${1+x} ]; then
+  echo 'gf needs string(s) to search for ' 1>&2
+  info "Usage: gf patterns [files [days]]"
+  return 1
+# Second arg (if present) is files for find.  No globbing, so "*.txt" OK
+if [ ! -z ${2+x} ]; then
+  if [[ "$2" =~ ^\. ]]; then
+    # Special case: treat ".foo" as "*.foo"
+    # Avoids needing to quote on command line
+    files="-name *$2"
+  else
+    files="-name ${2}"
-  # Second arg (if present) is files for find.  No globbing, so "*.txt" OK
-  if [ ! -z ${2+x} ]; then
-    if [[ "$2" =~ ^\. ]]; then
-      # Special case: treat ".foo" as "*.foo"
-      # Avoids needing to quote on command line
-      files="-name *$2"
-    else
-      files="-name ${2}"
-    fi
-  fi
+# $3 (if present) is find -mtime arg, default 365
+if [ ! -z ${3+x} ]; then
+  days="${3}"
-  # $3 (if present) is find -mtime arg, default 365
-  if [ ! -z ${3+x} ]; then
-    days="${3}"
-  fi
+# set -x
+find . -type f -mtime -${days} $files -exec egrep --color -H -i "${1}" \{\} \;
+# set +x
+set +o noglob
-  # set -x
-  find . -type f -mtime -${days} $files -exec egrep --color -H -i "${1}" \{\} \;
-  # set +x
-  set +o noglob
-  }
-  # Preserve history across sesssions
-  #
-  #
-  #
-  export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups  # no duplicate entries
-  export HISTSIZE=100000                   # big big history
-  export HISTFILESIZE=100000               # big big history
-  shopt -s histappend                      # append to history, don't overwrite it
-  # Save and reload the history after each command finishes
-  export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -c; history -r;"
-  function hgt() {
-      # hgt == "history grep (for arg) tail"
-      #echo "Histroy Grep tail"
-      if [ -z ${1+x} ]; then
-          echo 'hgt needs an argument' 1>&2
-          return 1
-      fi
-      history | grep -i "$1" | tail
-      return 0
-  }
-   if [ -e ${HOME}/etc/hostname ]; then
-       export HOSTNAME=`cat ${HOME}/etc/hostname`
-   elif [ -e /etc/hostname ]; then
-       export HOSTNAME=`cat /etc/hostname`
-   else
-       export HOSTNAME="unknown"
-   fi
-   # Set timezone if ~/bin/ exists
-   # NEW, if neeeed?
-   #
-   #
-   #
-   # OLD:
-   #
-   # if [ -e ~/bin/ ]; then
-   #     echo Setting timezone.
-   #     source ~/bin/ # should be in ~/rc.local
-   # fi
-   #
-   # Set local for numeric output
-   LOCAL=`locale -a | grep -i en_us | head -1`
-   if [[ "$LOCAL" != "" ]]; then export LC_NUMERIC="$LOCAL"; fi
-   if [ -e ~/bin/sshagent ]; then
-       source ~/bin/sshagent
-   fi
-   if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu"* ]]; then
-     alias 2clip='xclip -selection c'
-     alias 3clip='printf %s "$(cat /dev/stdin)" | xclip -selection c'  # no final \n
-   elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
-     alias 2clip='pbcopy'
-   fi
-  pathrm() {
-      # remove an item from the path
-      if [ -d "$1" ]; then
-          removeThis="`echo $1 | sed -e 's#/#\\\/#'g`"
-          newPath=`echo $PATH | awk -v RS=: -v ORS=: "/$removeThis/ {next} {print}" | sed 's/[ :]*$//g'`
-          export PATH=$newPath
-      fi
-  }
+# Preserve history across sesssions
+export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups  # no duplicate entries
+export HISTSIZE=100000                   # big big history
+export HISTFILESIZE=100000               # big big history
+shopt -s histappend                      # append to history, don't overwrite it
+# Save and reload the history after each command finishes
+export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -c; history -r;"
-  pathlast() {
-      # add path to the end if not there
-      if [ -d "$1" ] && [[ ":$PATH:" != *":$1:"* ]]; then
-          export PATH="${PATH:+"$PATH:"}$1"
-      fi
-  }
+function hgt() {
+    # hgt == "history grep (for arg) tail"
+    #echo "Histroy Grep tail"
-  pathfirst() {
-      # add path to the front if not there
-      if [ -d "$1" ] && [[ ":$PATH:" != *":$1:"* ]]; then
-          export PATH="$1:${PATH}"
-      fi
-  }
+    if [ -z ${1+x} ]; then
+        echo 'hgt needs an argument' 1>&2
+        return 1
+    fi
+    history | grep -i "$1" | tail
+    return 0
+if [ -e ${HOME}/etc/hostname ]; then
+    export HOSTNAME=`cat ${HOME}/etc/hostname`
+elif [ -e /etc/hostname ]; then
+    export HOSTNAME=`cat /etc/hostname`
+    export HOSTNAME="unknown"
+# Set timezone if ~/bin/ exists
+# NEW, if neeeed?
+# OLD:
+# if [ -e ~/bin/ ]; then
+#     echo Setting timezone.
+#     source ~/bin/ # should be in ~/rc.local
+# fi
+# Set local for numeric output
+LOCAL=`locale -a | grep -i en_us | head -1`
+if [[ "$LOCAL" != "" ]]; then export LC_NUMERIC="$LOCAL"; fi
+if [ -e ~/bin/sshagent ]; then
+    source ~/bin/sshagent
+if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu"* ]]; then
+  alias 2clip='xclip -selection c'
+  alias 3clip='printf %s "$(cat /dev/stdin)" | xclip -selection c'  # no final \n
+elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
+  alias 2clip='pbcopy'
+pathrm() {
+    # remove an item from the path
+    if [ -d "$1" ]; then
+        removeThis="`echo $1 | sed -e 's#/#\\\/#'g`"
+        newPath=`echo $PATH | awk -v RS=: -v ORS=: "/$removeThis/ {next} {print}" | sed 's/[ :]*$//g'`
+        export PATH=$newPath
+    fi
+pathlast() {
+    # add path to the end if not there
+    if [ -d "$1" ] && [[ ":$PATH:" != *":$1:"* ]]; then
+        export PATH="${PATH:+"$PATH:"}$1"
+    fi
+pathfirst() {
+    # add path to the front if not there
+    if [ -d "$1" ] && [[ ":$PATH:" != *":$1:"* ]]; then
+        export PATH="$1:${PATH}"
+    fi
-  path() {
-    # show path
-    echo $PATH
-  }
+path() {
+  # show path
+  echo $PATH
-  # show path, one entry per line
-  alias pathcat="echo $PATH | sed 's/:/\n/g'"
+# show path, one entry per line
+alias pathcat="echo $PATH | sed 's/:/\n/g'"
-  # Be sure we have a few specific paths if they exist
+# Be sure we have a few specific paths if they exist
-  pathlast $HOME/bin
-  pathlast /usr/local/bin
-  pathlast /opt/bin
+pathlast $HOME/bin
+pathlast /usr/local/bin
+pathlast /opt/bin
-   if [ -d ${HOME}/rc.local ]; then
-       for rcfile in $(find ${HOME}/rc.local -name \*.sh); do
-           debug running localrc ${rcfile}
-           source ${rcfile}
-       done
-   fi
+if [ -d ${HOME}/rc.local ]; then
+    for rcfile in $(find ${HOME}/rc.local -name \*.sh); do
+        debug running localrc ${rcfile}
+        source ${rcfile}
+    done
-   alias emacs='setsid emacs'
+alias emacs='setsid emacs'
-   # from
+# from
-   if [ -z "$SSH_CONNECTION" ]; then
-       export EMACSCLIENT=emacsclient
-       alias ec="$EMACSCLIENT -c -n"
-       export EDITOR="$EMACSCLIENT -c"
-       export ALTERNATE_EDITOR=""
-   else
-       export EDITOR=$(type -P emacs || type -P ed)
-   fi
-   export VISUAL=$EDITOR
+if [ -z "$SSH_CONNECTION" ]; then
+    export EMACSCLIENT=emacsclient
+    alias ec="$EMACSCLIENT -c -n"
+    export EDITOR="$EMACSCLIENT -c"
+    export ALTERNATE_EDITOR=""
+    export EDITOR=$(type -P emacs || type -P ed)
-   # coloring for ls functions
+# coloring for ls functions
-   if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu" ]]; then
-       color="--color";
-   else
-       color=""
-   fi
+if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu" ]]; then
+    color="--color";
+    color=""
-   BIN_LS=/bin/ls
-   alias ls='	ls '$color' -a'
+alias ls='	ls '$color' -a'
-   # Long List Reverse Tail
-   function llrt() { ls -lrt $color ${*:-}; }
+# Long List Reverse Tail
+function llrt() { ls -lrt $color ${*:-}; }
-   # Long List Time
-   function llt() { ls -lt $color ${*:-}; }
+# Long List Time
+function llt() { ls -lt $color ${*:-}; }
-   # Long List Time, More
-   function lltm() { ls -lt $color ${*:-} | more; }
+# Long List Time, More
+function lltm() { ls -lt $color ${*:-} | more; }
-   # Long List Time, Less
-   function lltl() { ls -alt $color ${*:-} | more; }
+# Long List Time, Less
+function lltl() { ls -alt $color ${*:-} | more; }
-   # Long List Time, Head
-   function llth() { ls -lt $color ${*:-} | head; }
+# Long List Time, Head
+function llth() { ls -lt $color ${*:-} | head; }
-   # Long List Time, Tail
-   function lltt() { ls -alt $color ${*:-} | tail; }
+# Long List Time, Tail
+function lltt() { ls -alt $color ${*:-} | tail; }
-   # List Sort Size
-   function lss() { ls -a1s $color ${*:-} | sort -n; }
+# List Sort Size
+function lss() { ls -a1s $color ${*:-} | sort -n; }
-   # List Sort Size Reverse
-   function lssr() { ls -a1s $color ${*:-} | sort -nr; }
+# List Sort Size Reverse
+function lssr() { ls -a1s $color ${*:-} | sort -nr; }
-   function nf ()
-   {
-       # list the newest file in the current directory
-       NF=`find ${1:-.} -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ls -1t  |  head -1;`;
-       echo ${NF:-/dev/null} | sed "s/ /\\\ /g"
-   }
+function nf ()
+    # list the newest file in the current directory
+    NF=`find ${1:-.} -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ls -1t  |  head -1;`;
+    echo ${NF:-/dev/null} | sed "s/ /\\\ /g"
-   # new file tail file
-   function nftf { NF=`nf ${1:-.}`; debug NF $NF;  echo "$NF" | xargs tail -f  ; }
+# new file tail file
+function nftf { NF=`nf ${1:-.}`; debug NF $NF;  echo "$NF" | xargs tail -f  ; }
-   # new file tail
-   function nft { NF=`nf ${1:-.}`; debug NF $NF;  echo "$NF" | xargs tail  ; }
+# new file tail
+function nft { NF=`nf ${1:-.}`; debug NF $NF;  echo "$NF" | xargs tail  ; }
-   # new file head
-   function nfh { NF=`nf ${1:-.}`; debug NF $NF;  echo "$NF" | xargs head  ; }
+# new file head
+function nfh { NF=`nf ${1:-.}`; debug NF $NF;  echo "$NF" | xargs head  ; }
-   # new file less
-   function nfl { NF=`nf ${1:-.}`; debug NF $NF;  echo "$NF" | xargs less  ; }
+# new file less
+function nfl { NF=`nf ${1:-.}`; debug NF $NF;  echo "$NF" | xargs less  ; }
-   # new file cat
-   function nfc { NF=`nf ${1:-.}`; debug NF $NF;  echo "$NF" | xargs cat  ; }
+# new file cat
+function nfc { NF=`nf ${1:-.}`; debug NF $NF;  echo "$NF" | xargs cat  ; }
-   # new file ls
-   function nfls { NF=`nf ${1:-.}`; debug NF $NF;  echo "$NF" | xargs ls -A1t  ; }
+# new file ls
+function nfls { NF=`nf ${1:-.}`; debug NF $NF;  echo "$NF" | xargs ls -A1t  ; }
-   # new file ls -l
-   function nflsl { NF=`nf ${1:-.}`; debug NF $NF;  echo "$NF" | xargs
-   ls -Atl  ; }
+# new file ls -l
+function nflsl { NF=`nf ${1:-.}`; debug NF $NF;  echo "$NF" | xargs
+ls -Atl  ; }
-   if [[  ! -z "`which xdg-open`" ]]; then alias open='xdg-open '; fi
+if [[  ! -z "`which xdg-open`" ]]; then alias open='xdg-open '; fi
-   touch $HOME/.bashrc-ran
-   debug ".bashrc done"
+touch $HOME/.bashrc-ran
+debug ".bashrc done"

+ 5 - 6

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #+title: .bashrc
-#+date: <2020-11-30 06:03:40 Monday>
+#+date: <2020-12-06 03:13:07 Sunday>
 #+author: George M Jones
 #+options: ':nil *:t -:t ::t <:t H:3 \n:nil ^:nil arch:headline
@@ -13,15 +13,14 @@
 #+creator: Emacs 28.0.50 (Org mode 9.4)
-* About
+* About this .bashrc file
 ** Intro
    This is George Jones' .bashrc file as an literate programming file in
    emacs org mode using babel blocks.
 ** To generate the actual .bashrc
-   This file must be process to generate the actual .bashrc
-   It can be processed interactively to generate .bashrc via
+   This file must be processed to generate the actual
+   .bashrc It can be processed interactively to generate .bashrc via
    org-babel-tangle-file or from the command line as
@@ -53,7 +52,7 @@
   to enable debugging output from the debug helper function.
-* .bashrc
+* The actual executable .bashrc
 ** Helper functions
    I define a few syslog-ish helper functions to print warnings,
    errors, etc.