2.3 KB


This is a function to list current keybindings and do an occur match.


(global-set-key (kbd "C-h b") 'gmjOccurBindings)

Run with C-u C-h C-b to search bindings.

Why? Usually when I list describe-bindings (C-h b) the next thing I do is switch to the buffer and search for the command I'm looking for. appropos-command (C-h a) comes close, but I find the output too verbose. Things get lost.

Sample Output

For C-u C-b "describe"

48 matches for "describe" in buffer: *Help*
  730:?		describe-mode
  732:h		describe-mode
  909:C-h C-c		describe-copying
  916:C-h C-o		describe-distribution
  919:C-h C-w		describe-no-warranty
  920:C-h C-\		describe-input-method
  924:C-h C		describe-coding-system
  926:C-h I		describe-input-method
  928:C-h L		describe-language-environment
  929:C-h P		describe-package
  933:C-h c		describe-key-briefly
  936:C-h f		describe-function
  940:C-h k		describe-key
  942:C-h m		describe-mode
  944:C-h o		describe-symbol
  948:C-h s		describe-syntax
  950:C-h v		describe-variable


(global-set-key (kbd "C-h b") 'gmjOccurBindings)


  • George Jones, 2016-08-28 - initial

  • George Jones, 2022-11-15 - cleanup


  (defun gmjOccurBindings (arg)
    "This is a function to list current keybindings and do an occur match

  With no arguments, it is a pass-through to describe-bindings

  When preceded with 1 `universal-argument' (^u^u),
  prompt for OCCUR string and do an occur search for that string.
    (interactive "p")

      ; if arg is 1, just call describe-bindings
      (if (= arg 1)

        ; if arg = 4, get string and do occur
        (if (= arg 4)
            (setq occurString (read-string (format "search bindnigs for: ") nil nil ""))
            (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*Help*")
            (if (not (equal occurString ""))
              (occur occurString))