# Aliases for using twtxt # # See https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # Also see https://github.com/prologic/twtxt and https://twtxt.net/ # # twtxt timeline alias twl='twtxt timeline --ascending' # twtxt publish alias twp='scp ~/twtxt.txt gmj@port111.com:~/public_html/george/' # twtxt get current alias twg='scp gmj@port111.com:~/public_html/george/twtxt.txt ~/' function twtp () { # twtxt twit and post twt "$*" twp } function twt() { # TODO Mitigate possible cross-sytem conflicts. git pull here, add/commit/push after? twg && twtxt tweet "$1" && twp || echo failed to tweet } # make sure twtxt is on the path pathlast ~/.local/bin/